niedziela, 27 stycznia 2019

What to do to survive the day after the sleepless night?

We all know that the sleep is very important, but also we know that sometimes there are no chance to sleep well. What to do to survive the next day?

Protein-rich products will provide you constant blood sugar level. If you slept a little last night or you didn't sleep at all, you should eat veal, poultry, seafood or beans. 

Go outside and breath deeply. Go for a walk. You will see that you will feel better.

Water really works in this kind of situations. Fatigue is one of the symptoms of dehydration, so take care of the right water level in your body.

It's mandatory! Choose that ona which cointains vitamin B6 and is well absorbed and which comes from organic compounds like asparate, citrate or lactate. 

Of course, it's about green tea. Coffee worsens dehydration.... so look at point 3. ;)

niedziela, 20 stycznia 2019


SESAME – it has a lot of calcium, iron and dietary fiber which have a good effect on the digestive system and joints.

NUTS - all nuts have strong anti-inflammatory properties and lower cholesterol. 

It is impossible to imagine a more healthy snack!

BLUEBERRIES -  not only have benefits for eyesight, antioxidants and vitamin C but also neutralize 
the harmful effects of radiation on the skin.

PINEAPPLES – enzymes, found in these fruits, support the acceleration of metabolism and produce 
also collagen which is responsible for skin elasticity.

WATERMELONS – lycopene contained in watermelons acts as a natural UV filter and maintain 
an adequate level of skin hydration. 

AVOCADO – contains a huge amount of OMEGA-3 acids which slow down the body’s aging 
and increase a level of skin elasticity and hydration. 

BROCCOLI - lutein affects the reconstruction of body cells, activating in them a powerful
 regenerative mechanism.

CARROT - is a source of carotene and affect the regeneration of tissues and cells. What’s more, gives
 the skin a pleasant and peach shade. 

TURMERIC - this ,,golden” spice is a good food and drinks additive.  It is an effective antioxidant
 so it slows down the aging process. 

DRY RED WINE – one glass is enough (no more)  1-2 times a week to look younger.
 All because of resveratrol and polyphenols. Cheers! ;) 

środa, 16 stycznia 2019

Summary of an article ,, Susan Potter will live forever"

In ,, Susan Potter will live forever” ( National Geographic, January 2019), Cathy Newman present the story of the woman who donates her body to science and from that moment she will be live forever. After her death, her body was frozen, then divided into 27,000 pieces which were photographed and digitalized in a compendium of human anatomy.
Susan Potter decided to share her body because she desired to help the medical students.
In general, anatomy is the bedrock of medical studies but unfortunately, dissecting a cadaver, during which students can see the structure of the human body is very expensive and often insufficient. Because of that, in 1987 Michael J. Ackerman, an assistant director for high-performance computing and communications at the National Library of Medicine, came up with the idea to create a virtual body that will give the same result as a normal dissecting. Then in 1991 was established National Library of Medicine’s Visible Human Project and the team headed by Vic Spitzer and David Whitlock received a government contract grant of $720,000 to get started with the project. In the beginning, they wanted to show only  a healthy human body and the donor was supposed to be anonymous. However, in 2000, Susan Potter came to the researchers, declaring his willingness to sacrifice his body for research purposes. At first, Spitzer has refused her proposition because Potter suffered  various disease, but then came up the conclusion that the illnesses are also the subject of research of the future doctors and the case of Potter could be an interesting example to examine and to analysis.
In this way, a relationship between a scientist and a woman has been continued for 15 years.
Susan Potter died on 16th of February in 2015, at the age of 87. After her death, the visualization of her body was recreated from 27,000 pieces and which is now an important point for students of medicine.

poniedziałek, 14 stycznia 2019

3 negative effect of consuming sugar

3 negative effect  of consuming sugar.

Not only sugar but also all sweets and desserts are very tasty. When we want to improve our mood we often eat chocolate or candy but for sure it isn’t good for our health.  Too much sugar in our diet leads not only to gain weight but also:

-        -   Affects our mood. When we eat the sweets, there is  not only a fast increase of sugar in our blood but also an equally rapid drop which leads also to a sudden drop in mood and fatigue.  Remember that it is important to choose complex carbohydrates which you can find in whole grain cereals.

-        - Speeds up ageing. A lot of scientific studies  confirm that sugar causes skin ageing. Sugar molecules bind to collagen in our skin and take part in the process called glycation which causes inflammations that breaks down collagen causing wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity.

-        -  Makes you hungry all the time. Sweets and simple sugar don’t have nutritional value. Apart from unnecessary calories they don’t give us anything valuable. It’s true that they ,,clog”  quickly, but they keep this feeling  only for a while.

So, try to reduce sugar in your life and you will be healthier!

What to do to survive the day after the sleepless night?

We all know that the sleep is very important, but also we know that sometimes there are no chance to sleep well. What to do to survive th...