poniedziałek, 31 grudnia 2018

The benefits of drinking coffee. Some of them surprise you!

I love this moment when I can sit on the couch, drink coffee and just relax me.  The taste of coffee is unique and the most important component of it is caffeine, which has a stimulating effects. It affects our physical and metabolic activity. Coffee is a natural fat burner. Drinking it can increase production of adrenaline and glucagon which are responsible for the process of glycogen release  from the liver and taking necessary energy from adipose tissue. This a desirable action when you want to reduce the body fat. In this case, it’s recommended drinking coffee a few minutes before the training. Moreover,  caffeine is a source of antioxidants and numerous nutrients that are important to our health.  

The other facts about coffee are:
-          it’s the most popular kind of drink around the world
-          it increases concentration, stimulates the brain, reduces the number of migraines and stress
-          it reduces the risk of liver cancer, Alzheimer and Parkinson
So, take a break and drink coffee.

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sobota, 29 grudnia 2018

How protect skin during the winter?

I think winter is the most beautiful season of the year but during this time, our skin can change - start to scour or dry. I’d like to present you a few principles of winter skin care.

1.      Adjust cosmetics to the season.  In the winter use a body cream or hand cream with a high level of moisturizing. The perfect cosmetic should contain for example: ceramide, fatty acids, glycerol, hyaluronic acid, vitamin E and argan oil.

2.      Clean your face but don’t make your skin dry. Use cosmetics with milk-like consistency.

3.      You have to buy lip balm and lip peeling because lip skin doesn’t have sebaceous glands and tend to be dry.

4.      Using different kind of oils will be helpful. Firstly, you should apply a cream on your face and then give a few drops of oil on it (argan oil, jojoba oil or macadamia oil).

5.      Avoid hot baths.  When you spend too much time in the hot bath, your protective skin coat is damaged and in consequences your skin in dry.

Now you can enjoy the winter with perfect skin!

środa, 12 grudnia 2018

Is it possibile to meet a hero in modern time?

Have you ever wondered what should you do to become a hero? In modern times, for many people a hero is still a mythical figure or king who rescued a village in sixteen century. They think that, because we have a lot of legends about heroic events in the past and only a few about today’s heroic situations. I am convinced that we are surrounded by the heroes but unfortunately no one talks about them.
Firstly, this person who is a hero is characterised by bravery and courage. It is not difficult to find an example of people with these qualities. This character traits perfect suit for example to the soldiers in Afghanistan. They are leaving their wives and kids and they are going on a mission. They are risking their own lives to liberate innocent people. Is it not a heroic situation?
Secondly, to confirm this statement, just take a look at the doctors. Maybe they do not wear a shining armour like knights in the past, but they are fighting for every human life every day. I personally think that we do not appreciate them sufficiently because it is obvious to us that they always help us if we have a medical problem.
Apart from people I have mentioned above, I believe that everyone can become a  hero. I think, the main goal of heroism is just a desire to help another people and it is important to not be selfish. There are a lot of situations where we can change something in one’s life. For example, we can donate the blood or hold a give-collection campaign for flood victims. In this way we will be a hero for someone who needed our help in the specific situation.
In contrast, it must be admitted that in the past, particularly during the numerous battles and wars, it was easier to die as a hero and sign up on the pages of history, for example fighting for dignity or human rights. 
To conclude, it is my firm belief that heroism is visible also in modern times, but, in comparison to the past, it has a different form. People have a lot of opportunities to  improve or even save someone’s life. It is essential to remember about all small gestures of aid and also to be aware that there are a lot of unsung heroes around us.

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We all know that the sleep is very important, but also we know that sometimes there are no chance to sleep well. What to do to survive th...