środa, 28 marca 2018

,,Death in Venice"


Last week I watched the film ,,Death in Venice” directed by Luchino Visconti in 1971. 
The movie is based on a novel by Thomas Mann. The plot is about composer Gustav von Aschenbach who travels to Venice in search of repose and his artistic inspiration. There, in seaside resort, he was attracted to a polish adolescent boy- Tadzio. The boy was for him the ideal of beauty and the composer gazed at Tadzio from afar. It was platonic love and end of this story is very sad. Gustav died suffered cholera (it was epidemic in the city).
The movie is about art, beauty, longing, death. Some scenes are slow, others simply annoying to watch, but this film is considered to be a masterpiece of Visconti. It’s a movie which we should see more than once to understand the whole message of the film.

Here is a link to a trailer for this film:

poniedziałek, 19 marca 2018

,,Eight and a half"


This week I watched another film of Federico Fellini- „Eight and a half”. It was directed in 1963. It’s a movie about filmmaking and it tells a story of film director who tries to find a subject of his new film. Everything is ready except for Guido (the main character). The film is a perfect balance between fantasy and reality. Often it was hard to say what was a true story and what was only in Guido’s head. Also, this masterpieces of Fellini is really complicated to understand for the spectator. Maybe even more than „Ginger e Fred”.

Here is a link to a short trailer for this film:

poniedziałek, 12 marca 2018

,,Ginger and Fred"

Today I would like a write something about the film which I watched last week.
This movie is „Ginger and Fred” directed by Federico Fellini in 1986. The film is about Amelia and Pippo, two performers the old music-hall act. They imitated American dancers Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers on a TV show. Amelia and Pippo are reunited after several dozen of retirement to perform in a bizzare television show. Fellini shows television like grotesques life where happen weird things. It’s satiric attack on television and the modern time. The plot is interesting although at some points is complicated and unclear.
The film is one of the Fellini masterpieces and I’m recommending it.

poniedziałek, 5 marca 2018

What people do usually at the seaside?

Every year a lot of people choose village at the seaside to spend their holidays. There is a fresh air and it has a positive effect on our health. There are a lot of things to do.
First of all, being at the seaside we can totally relax, just by looking around- nature, sea, beach, landscape. Secondly, it’s a perfect opportunity to swim and to sunbathe, but it’s important to use suntan lotion to avoid sunburn. Thirdly, we can build a sand castle. It allows us to return to our childhood. Then, it’s obligatory to taste a local dishes. For example, fishes are always fresh and tasty. In the 
evenings people can meet each other, they can dance, sing songs together etc.
To sum up, seaside is always a good destination to spend there holidays.

What to do to survive the day after the sleepless night?

We all know that the sleep is very important, but also we know that sometimes there are no chance to sleep well. What to do to survive th...