niedziela, 31 grudnia 2017

New Year


Today I was wondering about New Year’s Eve and also about New Year and I think it’s interesting that people make New Year’s resolution. Why is New Year a good time to change something? The answer is easy, people believe that during next 365 days their life will change for better, and they are trying to be their best self. They promise themselves that they will improve their life in the coming year. The wishes have many forms, everyone chooses whatever it wants to. New Year brings with it new possibilities, new chances, new friends, new dreams, etc. It’s all true because anything can happen. But everyone should remember that at any time we can change something in our life.
Happy New Year. Live your dreams!

sobota, 23 grudnia 2017

,,As far as my feet will carry me."


I watched a film,, As far as my feet will carry me”, yesterday. It is a movie directed by Hardy Martins. It is a story, based on fact, about German soldier Clemens Forrell who during II World War, was sentenced to 25 years of forced labor in lead mine in Siberia. The main character, subjected to the brutality of the camp and terrible climate, decided to escape. For the next three years, he traveled a thousand miles across Siberia and other countries. He tried to survive and come back home. During this time he had to overcome many difficulties and obstacles.
It is a very touching film which shows us not only very strong desire to live but also, the brutal part of the Soviets.

Here is a link to the trailer for the film:

niedziela, 17 grudnia 2017

Foreign languages


Why is it a great idea to study foreign languages? Sometimes it’s very hard because we have to learn a lot of new words, grammar and it takes a lot of our free time but it’s worth it.

Here are 10 reasons why I think it’s important:
1. It is easier to get a job.
2.We can meet people and make friends around the world.
3.We can travel in a different place without a tour guide.
4.We can be more open to other cultures.
5.We can appreciate the story.
6. We can increase our self- control.
7. Learning foreign language can improve our first language.
8. It develops confidence.    
9. We can impress people around us.

10.It gives a lot of satisfaction.


sobota, 2 grudnia 2017



Today I would like to write something about Bologna. It’s the city where I’ve been living for 6 months, during my Erasmus.
Bologna is a capital of Emiglia - Romagna Region. It’s perfect place to visit because there are a lot of things to see. It’s a city of the oldest university in the world, University of Bologna, founded in 1088. There are a lot of students from Italy but also from other countries.
It has three nicknames: la dotta (the learned), la grassa (the fat - it’s related to cuisine) and la rossa (the typical red color of the roofs). The food it’ s very considerable there.
Bologna is an important artistic and cultural center. The most popular tourist attractions are Piazza Maggiore and Piazza di Nettuno (the main town squares); Basilica of St. Petronius; Leaning Towers; St. Stephen Basilica; Archaeological Museum; St. Dominic Church; Basilica of San Pietro, National Gallery.

Here you have a link to the short film about Bologna:

…. and some photos of this beautiful city. I really recommend going there!

What to do to survive the day after the sleepless night?

We all know that the sleep is very important, but also we know that sometimes there are no chance to sleep well. What to do to survive th...