poniedziałek, 23 kwietnia 2018

,,Bee movie"


Last week I watched an animated film „Bee Movie”, directed by Simon Smith, Steve Hickner and Stephen Hickner in 2007. The film tells a story about bees’ life. The main character is a special bee-Barry B. Benson. Barry has just graduated from college and he found out the truth about his future prospects- he had to work in the same work for the rest of his life, making the honey. Once during a special trip outside the hive, he met human- Vanessa and during a visit to a supermarket with her, he discovered that people actually eat honey and he decided to sue them….It is a comedy for all family. I really enjoyed this movie. There are a lot of funny moments for kids and adults. The film shows us and child that bees live their own life like humans. I think it’s one of the best animated film I saw.

Here is a link to a trailer for this film:

czwartek, 12 kwietnia 2018

Road accidents claim far too many lives. What can be done to reduce this problem?

         We live in an age where almost everyone has a car and it causes more and more road accidents where someone dies. For this reason, people have to make all their best to reduce the number of road accidents. To resolve this question all people should be more careful and attentive on the road; drivers can not overestimate their driving abilities and the quality of infrastructure should be improved.
         Firstly, every road user (drivers, pedestrians, cyclist, etc.) has a duty to be careful on the road. For example, car drivers should not use their phones while driving and pedestrians should not listen to music on the headphones during the walk on the street. If we respect this principle we would not create the possibility of hitting someone with the car or running into somebody’s car.
         Another useful suggestion will be adapting speed to weather conditions and to all circumstances on the street. Rain, fog or bad visibility at night are the main problems for drivers. We have to remember that not only our driving skills influence the road safety. It is a good idea to make use of this advice because we will be able to avoid different kinds of road difficulties.
         The problem of people who die in road accidents could be resolve also by improving the conditions of infrastructure. The better condition of streets, sufficient number of bike paths, pavements and crosswalks will be very useful for all road participants. Developing this question, everyone will be able to move around in way dedicated only to a specific group (pedestrians, cyclists, etc.).
        To sum up, there are many ways to reduce the number of road accidents. Developed infrastructure, being more attentive on the road and adapting our drive skills to the weather help us to prolong our life. If we respect all these aspects above we will be able to avoid possibilities to die in the road accident.

sobota, 7 kwietnia 2018

Money talks


I listened to a podcast Money talks from series GrownUpLand in BBC Radio 4. At the beginning children talked about their point of view for money and then Mae, Bisha and Ned talked about different aspect of money, for example, can we buy happiness or should we spend money, save it or try not to think about it?
When journalist told a subject of new conversation the first reaction of Ned was quite depressed because he had lost his job and he said it was difficult for him to change his material situation. Another speaker was Bisha. She works as a freelancer, and she has to control her spending. The last speaker was Mae who spent a lot of money, and she thinks with money we can’t buy happiness but it is possible to buy things which make us happy. During this conversation, Ned found out that when he was working as an accountant he spent more money for things that he didn’t need, for example for big lunches.
Often shopping is a kind of therapy. People feel better when they buy something new, even something small and cheap. It makes them happy.
The another aspect of this conversation was dedicated for future jobs. 65% kind of work of the future doesn’t exist now.  According to Bisha
 5 jobs will be very well-paid in the future: body part maker, nano-medic; vertical farmer; child designer and a haptic programmer.
Then they talk about different ways to save money, for example: we can go for a walk, hang out with a dog, play with our children. At the end, they tried to help people with their financial problems.
This week, money makes Mae feel sick, Bisha investigates the jobs of the future and Ned tries to stick to a budget.


What to do to survive the day after the sleepless night?

We all know that the sleep is very important, but also we know that sometimes there are no chance to sleep well. What to do to survive th...