niedziela, 17 czerwca 2018

20 English- Polish false friends

Sometimes happen that exist words which have very similar sounding, but they have a different meaning. Here is a list of  20 English- Polish false friends:

1 1. Affair- romans à Afera- scandal
   2. Billion- miliard à Bilion- trillion
3 3. Chef- szef kuchni à Szef- boss
4 4. Desk- biurko à Deska- board, plank
5 5. Divan- sofa à Dywan- carpet
6 6. Fabric- tkanina à Fabryka- factory
7 7. Gust- podmuch wiatru à Gust- taste
8 8. Lecture- wykład à Lektura- set book
9 9. Novel- powieść à Nowela- short story
1 10. Occupant- mieszkaniec, lokator à Okupant- invader
1 11. Ordinary- zwyczajny à Orydynarny- coarse
1 12. Paragraph- akapit à Paragraf- article
1 13. Pathetic- żałosny à Patetyczny- turgid
   14. 1Provision- świadczenie, prowizja àProwizja- commission
1 15. Rapport- wzajemne zrozumienie à Raport- report
1 16. Rent- czynsz à Renta- annuities
1 17. Sentence- zdanie à Sentencja- apothegm
1 18. Sympathy- współczucie à Sympatia- affection, liking
1 19. Transparent- przezroczysty à Transparent- banner
2 20. Wagon- wóz à Wagon- carriage

,,The Fault in Our Stars".

Last week I watched a film ,,The Fault in Our Stars”. It’s romantic tragedy directed by Josh Boone in 2014. The movie is based on the novel of the same name, written by John Green.
The main character is Hazel, a sixteen-year-old girl who has cancer. Her parents wrote down her to support group where she met Augustus who was also suffered from the same disease. They fall in love with each other, and they start live their dreams about normal life. It’s hard to do totally everything because their health problems sometimes are obstacles. They support each other, what makes their life easier, and they can just for a minute, forget about this fatal disease.
I was touched by all this situation on this movie.  It’s very sad, and I was crying a lot during watching a film. The story is credible and can happen at any time to anyone. We need to remember that it’s important to appreciate a little thing in our life because nothing is permanent. This film shows us life’s injustice.

Here is a link to a trailer of film:

środa, 13 czerwca 2018

A short story

The situation took place last week. I had an argument with my best friend, Sue. We had a different perception of the life at that moment. I was really sad for that and I decided to go to the restaurant. I had to think about it. I was drinking a tea when suddenly one man came to me, and he asked to sit with me. I was surprised and I didn't want to talk with him.
- ,,What are you doing? I said no!"
-,,You have a problem, I see it. I'm older and I have a lot of experience in life. I will help you, I promise. I just want to talk"- he said and smiled. ,,By the way, I'm John"
At that moment I felt something weird. I had a sensation that I knew him all my life. I have told him about the situation with my friend and then he told me the story of his friendship. He met Tom when he was twenty, and they quickly became friends. One day, John had a car accident, and he spent a few months in the hospital. Tom visited him and took care about his mentally health. Others John’s ,,friends'' forgot about him, sometimes only phoned to him, but they didn't visit him when he needed them. Having a lot of time to think, he understood that Tom was his best friend. They are love each other even when they are arguing. They shared all their lives moment together. Unfortunately, Tom died last month. John goes to his grave every day ,and he feels an emptiness in his heart. He lost the part of himself, but he knows that in some way they are still together.
His story was affecting. I realized that I love Sue and I had to apologize to her. Our friendship is important to me and I know, Sue is a person who wants my happiness anyway.  John helped me to understand how important is our friendship.

piątek, 1 czerwca 2018

A short story

It was a sunny day in May. My school organised school competition. This event took place at a local stadium. There were not only a lot of students who take part in this championship but also five referees and our teachers.
Our team prepared competitions in five sports disciplines: baseball, cycling, hammer throw, table tennis and volleyball. There were approximately 100 contestants. The first competition was cycling. The participants must bestride race about 20 kilometres. When cyclists started distance, a lot of people was standing near the road to cheer them on.
The average speed was 40km/ h, and everyone wanted and tried to win. Everyone competed but Tom Angel was in the lead. He had only 2 kilometres at the blanket finish and he was exhausted when suddenly, one of supporter, a little child, run across the road. The cyclist was dispersed, and he tried to go around him because he didn't want to hit him. Unfortunately, Tom plummeted. It was a very dangerous situation for both of them. The child was scared and started crying and Tom had a small scratch. Tom, of course, didn't win a competition, but he wasn’t sad. After this situation, he went with a little boy and his parents to eat a big ice-creams.

What to do to survive the day after the sleepless night?

We all know that the sleep is very important, but also we know that sometimes there are no chance to sleep well. What to do to survive th...