niedziela, 17 czerwca 2018

,,The Fault in Our Stars".

Last week I watched a film ,,The Fault in Our Stars”. It’s romantic tragedy directed by Josh Boone in 2014. The movie is based on the novel of the same name, written by John Green.
The main character is Hazel, a sixteen-year-old girl who has cancer. Her parents wrote down her to support group where she met Augustus who was also suffered from the same disease. They fall in love with each other, and they start live their dreams about normal life. It’s hard to do totally everything because their health problems sometimes are obstacles. They support each other, what makes their life easier, and they can just for a minute, forget about this fatal disease.
I was touched by all this situation on this movie.  It’s very sad, and I was crying a lot during watching a film. The story is credible and can happen at any time to anyone. We need to remember that it’s important to appreciate a little thing in our life because nothing is permanent. This film shows us life’s injustice.

Here is a link to a trailer of film:

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