środa, 28 marca 2018

,,Death in Venice"


Last week I watched the film ,,Death in Venice” directed by Luchino Visconti in 1971. 
The movie is based on a novel by Thomas Mann. The plot is about composer Gustav von Aschenbach who travels to Venice in search of repose and his artistic inspiration. There, in seaside resort, he was attracted to a polish adolescent boy- Tadzio. The boy was for him the ideal of beauty and the composer gazed at Tadzio from afar. It was platonic love and end of this story is very sad. Gustav died suffered cholera (it was epidemic in the city).
The movie is about art, beauty, longing, death. Some scenes are slow, others simply annoying to watch, but this film is considered to be a masterpiece of Visconti. It’s a movie which we should see more than once to understand the whole message of the film.

Here is a link to a trailer for this film:

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