poniedziałek, 31 grudnia 2018

The benefits of drinking coffee. Some of them surprise you!

I love this moment when I can sit on the couch, drink coffee and just relax me.  The taste of coffee is unique and the most important component of it is caffeine, which has a stimulating effects. It affects our physical and metabolic activity. Coffee is a natural fat burner. Drinking it can increase production of adrenaline and glucagon which are responsible for the process of glycogen release  from the liver and taking necessary energy from adipose tissue. This a desirable action when you want to reduce the body fat. In this case, it’s recommended drinking coffee a few minutes before the training. Moreover,  caffeine is a source of antioxidants and numerous nutrients that are important to our health.  

The other facts about coffee are:
-          it’s the most popular kind of drink around the world
-          it increases concentration, stimulates the brain, reduces the number of migraines and stress
-          it reduces the risk of liver cancer, Alzheimer and Parkinson
So, take a break and drink coffee.

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