niedziela, 21 października 2018

The meaning of Beauty, part 1

There are so many questions related to the aspect of beauty. What does this mean in reality? Is it possible to be beautiful in every aspect of life? Is it about the face or the character? What does it mean to be beautiful? It is difficult to determine what it really is, but in this text, I would like to find the answers to these questions, but I also want to present my point of view. Beauty exists both the inner and the outer one. Today the second one is considered more important than the first one, especially among the young. A more important and more significant thing is the fact that we can imagine it in an infinite variety. We see it in people, in nature and in everyday situations. It fascinates us and surprises us.
When we see someone for the first time, at first, we look at their physical appearance. We judge their  hairs, their eyes, their smiles, but also their clothes.

Sometimes,  we can see that beauty depends on points of view and we can say that it is subjective. Then it has to be said that the mass media create the canon of beauty. They tell us what we can consider beauty and admire it and what we have to stop doing or dress. On TV, in the newspapers are always tall and thin models without any defect. As a result, women want to be like those perfect- girls, so they move into diet; go to the gym, and what’s more, they also do the plastic operations or have the problems with anorexia and psychic disorders. Our world today doesn’t accept ugliness….

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